Quick Recap of a huge 2022-23

Hint : we achieved tons together!
The 2022-23 school year started off with a Ms Swisher being awarded a national Presidential Innovation Award for her role in environmental education and transforming the Hawks’ Garden into a beautiful space.

We then saw plenty of new projects and improvements, and ended with Grand Master of the Parade for our wonderful Ms Swisher. Let’s not forget all the wildlife sightings, including butterflies, monarchs, blue birds - and students!

2022 - 2023 School Year Achievements

  • Ms Swisher was presented with the ‘Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators’ by the Environmental Protection Agency

  • A successful Harvest Festival

  • 7 x fun Garden Work Days - thanks everyone!

  • Monthly Zoom call updates - anyone invited!

  • Girl Scout Projects in the Garden

  • 3rd Grade Installed Bat Boxes

  • Blue Bird Houses Installed

  • Added Monarch Waystation

  • Replanted all Classroom Planters for Open House

  • Out first Eco-Friendly Garden Tour

  • Another Spring Plant Sale

  • New Hawks' Garden Entrance Sign

  • New Educational Signage

  • Grand Master of July 4th Parade with Pollinator-themed float

  • …plus so many curriculum classroom visits by the kids and teachers themselves!

Thank you to everyone who is, or has been, a part of the Campus Ecology and Beautification Team.

We have lots planned this year, including more fun events - and even more improvements, gatherings and laughter.

We can’t wait to see you in the garden soon!


migrating monarch


Leading the July 4th FUN