2023-24 year in review

From start to finish, we’ve had the most fantastic year!

YOU, our amazing volunteers, are the heart of our garden's success! It's in full bloom, and we deeply appreciate everyone’s contributions, big and small.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to the PTO for their unwavering support and funding. This garden thrives entirely on school resources and the dedication of volunteers.

Here’s what happened in 2023 - 2024

  • Monarchs, Caterpillars, Bluebirds, and our very own Hawks sightings, including a Cooper’s Hawk, surely they MUST know they’re visiting their namesake school!

  • Sloat ‘Growing Up Green’ fundraisers. We receive funds annually thanks to you mentioning our name at checkout. Every cent goes back into the garden to keep it flourishing.

  • Ocean Guardianstatus with NOAA 4th and 5th graders have been working towards this amazing achievement via watershed and planting projects throughout the year. We are expecting this to continue next year. Are you an incoming 4th or 5th grader and want to join the Project? Add your name.

  • Girl Scouts Girl Scouts used the garden to earn badges and learn. You can too! The garden is an ideal outdoor classroom.

  • Bird Bath installation has been a hit, attracting local bluebirds and other feathered friends.

  • Nature Journalling by many classes, buddy groups, ages and curriculums. Thank you teachers for bringing your students to the garden!

  • Harvest Festival Exciting visitors like Mushroom Growing, Marin Water and Bee knowledge, plus Garden Bites, Monarch fun and Honey Tasting are just some of the fun.

  • Planting and Harvesting - Beans, onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, celery, blueberries, apples, figs, mandarins, lemons, pomegranates, herbs, kale, spinach, carrots, lettuce… The list is endless, and the fun is in the eating!

  • Brand New Planters thanks to the generous Moss Family, we now have more space to plant even more!

  • Several Fun Family Work Days Keeping the garden and school campus in top shape. Join the Hawks’ Garden Club.

  • Seed Planting Day and subsequent transplanting days and the Plant Sale meant that students planted 400+ seedlings! These were then sold at Spring Festival with proceeds back to the garden! This is turning learning in to growth right before their eyes.

  • Ms Swisher was awarded a Golden Bell Award for her dedication and hard work, both in the classroom and in our Hawks’ Garden, helping our students thrive.

  • New Shade Structure providing relief from the summer sun, thanks to Mike Strasser and Peter Costa.

  • Assemblies have been engaging and inspiring too, from what’s happening to Ocean Guardian updates! Thank you Ms Swisher for all your time and effort 💕


Join the Hawks’ Garden Club


We Have Monarch Caterpillars!