Wow what a fun Harvest Festival!

We loved having you all visit and explore the garden in all its fall glory!

And we want to thank so many of you who helped make it a roaring success.


For all their effort to make the Harvest Festival such a success, and for supporting the Hawks’ Garden to be so full of fun, nature and learning!

Our Garden Bites chefs

For their delicious treats: Monica Grant, Anchalee, Ingrid Gron, Gail Hurwitz, Jessica Serafini, Mercedes Rose!

Our generous volunteers

Ilana Roth, Gillian Schultz (thank you for the Apples!), Amy Farrow, Jenine Wolfe, Ingrid Gron, Nicole Douglas, Erika Tilney, Mike Strasser, Ms Suther!

Ms Restani for the cute Monarch Butterfly and Milkweed station

Our community partners

Brennan Riley (NC dad) and Ken from Mycological Society of Marin County for bringing an incredible selection of Mushrooms from Far West Funghi.
Here are the instructions if you are now lucky to have a mushroom growing kit at your house!

Marin Water District for turning up to get us up close to see, touch and hear wildlife from within the Mt Tam Watershed.

Nina Sokolov, Berkeley Phd student who brought her bee science knowledge and beautiful drawings.

Sylvia Donati and her husband from Honeybee Hearth Preschool for supplying the delicious Honey for tasting.

Our harvest cups are overflowing, see you next year!

Ms Swisher, Jennifer Shambroom, Helen Jenkins


Guardian of the blooms


Buddy time in nature