Special thank you for new planters!

Check out the two brand new vegetable planters, generously donated by the Moss Family who have students in 3rd and 5th grades.

We are beyond grateful, not only for the generosity of the planters and soil, but for your time and effort of filling them.

The Moss’s landscaping team, Heliotrope Landscape Construction and Design, was incredibly helpful delivering, placing and filling the galvanized planters.

And they helped move the heavy succulent pots and wine barrels too!

These planters give us even more space to grow interesting and delicious plants.

During the recent warm, sunny garden work day, volunteers helped fill them with new saplings of Kale, Spinach and Beans!

Find them welcoming you at the entrance to the garden, just through the gates.


Glorious work day!


Going to Sloat before Feb 11?