Glorious work day!

Winter Garden Work Day, Feb 10 (Missed this one? Next Work Day is March 2nd!)

We are so lucky to have a lovely crew of helpful parents who enjoy nurturing both the garden and our kids’ science brains.

Here’s a big shout out to the PTO for their super successful Readathon, and for supporting the Hawks’ Garden in student education!

Here’s how the garden grew…

Cutting, trimming and weeding, seed sowing, dirt sifting, and finding edible treasures in the garden,

THANK YOU garden team, you filled our cups with sunshine, nature, friends new and old, laughter, chatter and hot chocolate!

Fresh beginnings

The kids were so good at removing the juicy carrots and cabbage (yum), and sifting the soil.

They then got to replant the beds with this seasons’ Radish, Watermelon Radish and Carrot seeds.

The trug has been set


Hiding in a shady spot, this trug was moved out it into the sunshine as a better place to ‘greenhouse’ our seedlings.

This will be a perfect place for our annual Seed Planting Day in March, and ultimately selling those seedlings at the upcoming Spring Social in May.

The plants will love this new warm and sunny location!

Brand new galvanized planters!

Recently the generous Moss Family donated these two amazing galvanized planters, and kids had the opportunity to plant them today!

In went Kale, Spinach and Peas! Some ‘cloches’, or bells, are covering as many as possible, to save them from becoming juicy bird food.

Thank you also to the Chalmers family, for an amazing donation of a huge trellis. We found the perfect spot for it, and will be installing it soon. Now to decide which fun plant to grow on it; beans, squash or grapes?! We’ll post more once installed.

Taking care of water resources

We put the rainwater tank to great use (since the water is temporarily off), by using mother nature’s winter rainfall to give the new seeds and starter plants a little drink!

And here’s the end result of a satisfying and fun time!

Join us on March 2nd for our next Work Day, whether you know something about gardening - or not!

Thank you PTO and Garden team!!


Annual seed planting day


Special thank you for new planters!