Corte Madera Neil Cummins Habitat Restoration Project

We are excited to announce the Corte Madera Neil Cummins Habitat Restoration Project.

The Neil Cummins' Corte Restoration Project aims to provide a healthy habitat that supports biodiversity by planting the strip of land that borders the Neil Cummins School garden with a variety of drought tolerant, California native plants.

The Town of Corte Madera has shown a commitment to biodiversity and healthy land stewardship. The Neil Cummins PTO has a long history of promoting green practices. The partnership of the Larkspur Corte Madera School District and the City of Corte Madera provides the opportunity to educate Neil Cummins' students, families and staff and the broader Twin Cities Community about planting for biodiversity and being good guardians of the land we all share.

The Western Monarch will be one of the species we highlight to engage and involve our student body and community members.  It is a magical butterfly species that most people are aware needs help.  Landscaping for Monarch butterflies and other pollinators will create habitat that supports diverse species including many of our local birds.

Learn More about our exciting project to expand the work we are doing in the Hawks’ Garden into the greater Corte Madera community!


Garden Work Day


Sprucing Up the Garden