Garden Work Day

The Hawks’ Garden Team hosted another successful Garden Work Day on Sunday, August 22nd! Special thanks to the Zamzow’s, Ingraham’s, Amineh Stevenson, Movafaghi’s, and Douglas’ families for all of their support of the Hawks’ Garden!

This was a big work day for us. Special thanks to Dana Swisher for purchasing and Nash Zamzow for moving 60 bags of soil for our garden trugs in front of the classrooms! The team weeded, cleaned, prepped and added fresh soil to 14 planters and 5 flower pots across the Neil Cummins campus. We also moved 4 of the planters to more suitable locations for growing and maintenance. The planters featured below will be used for the classes to manage seed starts to grow for our garden and for their own class curriculum. We also focused on a final clean up of the garden (weeding in and around the garden beds, organizing the inside of the shed, and trash removal).

Thanks again for all of your support of the Hawks’ Garden 🌸🌻


Garden Class in Session


Corte Madera Neil Cummins Habitat Restoration Project