From Seedlings to Plant Sale!

The students created their very own Plant Sale - and it was a great success.

Look at that bountiful array of plants - the students grew them ALL from seeds back in March. Since then, Ms Swisher, Jennifer Shambroom, Ms Suther and others have been caring for them during the pro-longed cold snap giving them warmth and water.

Your enthusiasm to get involved and support the Hawks’ Garden by buying the potted seedlings that were planted by your own little seedlings.

We sold so many plants and raised one thousand dollars in the process! All that money will be plowed back in to new improvements and plantings in the garden.

Thank you to Nina Socolov, UC Berkeley PHD student, who shared her knowledge of bees with students and families at the NC Spring Fair.

Thank you to the awesome Hawk’s Garden Team who volunteered to sell plants, help the kids on the craft stations or brought delicious bites inspired by ingredients from the garden for everyone to enjoy. We couldn’t do it without you!

And now is the time to visit!
The garden is looking vibrant right now and is alive with insects and visiting bugs. Come and take a peek if you’ve not been recently.


We are an Eco garden


New educational signage