Sneaky Squirrel’s Adventure!

Today, as some 2nd grade students were leaving their music class, they spotted a little visitor in the garden – a mischievous squirrel who just couldn’t resist the temptation of our sunflowers. Watch the video at the end!

The students noticed this cute friend hanging out at the very tippy top of the tallest sunflower. He was nibbling away at our precious sunflower seeds, his cheeks puffed full of seeds, completely undeterred by our squeals!

Of course, it’s hard to be mad when you witness nature’s wonders up close. While we would’ve liked to save some of those seeds for next season’s planting, it was a gentle reminder that our garden is a shared space – a haven for humans and wildlife alike. Whether it's butterflies dancing among the flowers, bees buzzing busily from bloom to bloom, or our little squirrel friend stealing sunflower snacks, the garden is alive with activity.

So, here’s to our furry friend, the sunflower thief, for reminding us that we’re all part of this beautiful ecosystem. May he enjoy his well-earned feast, and may we continue to find joy in the delightful surprises nature brings us every day!

Stay tuned – you never know who might be sneaking around our garden next! 🐿🌻

Sneaky Squirrel Steals Sunflower Seeds


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