Student Seed Planting Day ahead of Plant Sale.

It was a busy week in the garden!

We got ready for a student Seed Planting Day, in preparation for our Plant Sale at the Spring Social, which is coming up in May.
A big thank you to all our volunteers who helped prepare the pots beforehand, and those who managed the students on the day.

Seed Preparation Day
First up on March 1, we had an awesome team of volunteers, students and siblings who helped prepare seed pots for Seed Planting Day. We had some students mix coconut coir into the soil. Fun Fact number 1: we used coconut coir as the soil amendment as it’s more sustainable over its non-renewable peat competitor. Other students and volunteers laid out 420 individual pots and filled them with this soil, while others wrote the names of the plants we’d be growing on popsicle sticks, including mouth-watering cherry tomatoes, basil, zucchini, bell peppers, watermelon, dill, chili and pumpkin, among others.

Seed Planting Day
The next day, March 2, each class visited the garden to help plant a single seed in a pot. It was so much fun to dig in the dirt, drop a seed in and cross their fingers that it grows up tall and strong.
Students have planted all sorts of fruits and veggies for you to choose from at the Plant Sale.
Fun Fact number 2: The students giggled when they learned the pots were made with cow dung! These pots make great compost to help the plants grow healthy and they’ll decompose into the soil as the plant grows.
Once the students were done, they wandered the garden to explore what is happening out there. Some took a single sunflower seed and found their own place to bury it; maybe that was in the wild growth through the fence, in the dirt bedding along the edges or along in one of the big containers. We’ll find out in the summer when they start popping up!

All these pots will be sold at our Plant Sale at the Spring Social on May 12.
Come along and pick up a local-grown plant. All proceeds from the plant sale go back into improving the Hawks' Garden!

Students mixing the Coconut Coir in to the soil, ready to fill the Cow Dung pots nearby.


Mention NC at Sloat Garden Center during ‘Growing Up Green’ fundraiser!


🌱Garden Workday Success 🌻