Productive Work day

Thanks for everyone’s help this past Saturday!

We achieved so much at the first Garden Work Day of the year. We weeded, composted and planted. Tidied, managed and organized. Chatted, coffeed and cookied.

  • The trugs outside the teacher’s classrooms, have been weeded and compost added - new herbs and plants were planted. The students will be able to look after these plants by watering them, watching them grow and harvesting them!

  • The shed is now fantastically organized for the year. Everything in its place!

  • The main Hawks’ Garden is neat and weeded thanks to a bunch of helpful students and grown ups.

  • And we had two Middle School students join us as part of their Community Service - this is a great way to check off hours. Thank you for choosing us!

Thank you to everyone who turned out. So much is growing right now, it all looks spectacular thanks to your help. We couldn’t make it work without you. ❤️

Stay tuned for the next Garden Work Day!


Going to Sloat in oct? Mention NC!


Going to Sloat? Mention NC!