Happy Earth day!

Our school garden is more than just a patch of land.

It's a living classroom!

As Earth Day approaches, we're reminded of the vital role we play in preserving our planet.

In the Hawks’ Garden, every seed planted is a small step towards inspiring students to be ambassadors for Planet Earth.

It’s time to do your part….

Work Day, May 2

Join the Hawks Garden Club!
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just curious to learn, we invite you to join us in the garden soon.
Check out our next upcoming Work Day on May 2. We’ll be making final preparations for the Plant Sale.

Plant Sale, May 3

Mark your calendars for the annual Plant Sale at the Spring Social on May 4! It's gonna be bloomin' awesome!

Sign up to help at the Plant Sale

We’d love some extra help selling plants, your help on the activity tables, or bring some garden-inspired treats.
Volunteer for just half the event, so you can enjoy the other half!

Sign Up to be a part of the Hawks’ school garden experience.


Volunteer at the Plant sale


Transplanting work day