Garden Bites 🍅

The Garden Team hosted our first Garden Bites event in the Hawks’ Garden!

We shared with our students’ delicious food that is grown in the garden. We served apples 🍎 with cheese, cucumber tea sandwiches, 🍅 Caprese skewers with fresh basil from the garden and apples with honey. 🍯

The students kept their distance, stayed masked until they were appropriately spaced to eat their bites.

Special thanks to the Revell Family! Alison and Andy volunteered endless hours in food preparation, delivery of food to the garden, monitoring the students during the event and clean up. Thank you Revell family for your continued dedication to Neil Cummins and the Hawks’ Garden! 🙌

Overall it was a great success and the students enjoyed the delicious food from our garden! 🌱

We look forward to our next Garden Bites where we will serve figs and pomegranate.


Community Service in the Garden


Garden Class in Session